Wednesday, June 7, 2017

10 rules to success 
1. Be yourself -  don't let others tell you how you should act and or how you should be

2. Have a sense of humor - feel free to laugh have a sense of humor whether its dark or light doesn't matter. 

3. Do what you think is right - Go ahead and you can find your own way to determine something is good or bad then live by that way.

4. Find a hobby - if you find a hobby you can find something you love to do that could help you when your feeling down.   

5. Find a group of friends that are truly your friends -  doesn't matter who they are you find friends who will help you in your time of need and that you comfortable to let loose with 

6. See the big picture - Don't be a close minded person try to see the whole picture to find different things and maybe things you'll like or that will benefit you "There's more than meets the eye"
7. Keep moving forward - If something happens and puts you down just keep moving forward there's is no point in dwelling in the past unless it's history that important.
8. Never see yourself as ugly think of yourself as a beautiful squid -  Even though there are some people that don't like the way they look they shouldn't see themselves a ugly person as long as they take care of themselves. 
9. Stop complaining - In life you can't always get thing the way you want to and somethings may be unfair so stop complaining and play the game it is unfair.  
10. Find your own happiness - You find something or someone that makes you happy it'll help 

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation

1. The thing that i liked most about this class was where we were able to use the computers and learn a little bit about the computers. I also liked how we were able to learn about coding and such. I liked how we saw how someone almost built a computer although i would have liked to see how they built it. I also liked how we were able to sorta make our own little program. I kinda also liked how we were able to sorta make our own website. 
2. There are many things i didn't like about the class such as how we had read 5 minutes our life planning notebook which served no purpose in learning about computers. I also didn't like how this class hardly taught us anything about computers and it was more on how to be a good a person i want to learn about computers not how to be a good person and improve yourself. I did not like how when we started to get to the part of learning coding that it was towards the end of the year when we could have started much earlier and learned so much more. I didn't like how most of the stuff you did "teach" us was just common sense knowledge that people should know. I also really did not like our final or anything that we had to write about in our electronic portfolio its all the same thing from your other class. This class really wasn't an advancement to our knowledge but more like wasting our time with senseless writing about people who have nothing to do ways on how we can further our knowledge in computers and programming. 
3. A recommendation i have for this class is to actually go and dive deep in for computers show the class how the one is built. Show them how each part works and maybe how to each part moves. Stop with the life planning notebook in class. Stop making them write about pointless people in their blog that does not further their about computers and the science behind it. Maybe give out some test on computers and test the people on the computer parts. This will all go nicely together so that the whole class can gain more knowledge.  
4. I guess a highlight for me in this class was the programming in code for a game. It was a fun little activity and made me feel like i was really in a computer class. I really felt like i worked hard on this and actually put in some effort to a piece of work i can be proud of in this class. I really went on to see what more i could do with the programming but from this i started using different programs to see just how far i can go with this programming. And this is something i enjoy but i wont be doing this for a job or career because it is not in my interest. 
5. Would i say i really did my best in this class i would sort of only because this class really was boring and took so much fun away from the computer class i hoped for. I wanted to do my best but this class felt like it didn't even try to help you or make you learn. When I started seeing how Mr.Haymore just shows us most videos about how to be a good person or about sports thinking that people really like it no it's just for them that's a way to get out of doing work. I would want to know if this class really it's best in teaching me more about computers and from what I saw it really didn't. 
6. I was reading the life planning goal journal 5 minutes daily but now that I wont have this class i don't have to worry about that because I saw it more as a time waster rather than a way to actually improve. I really hate every second that we had where we had to read this "journal" because it does not tie in while with a computer class. I wish that instead of having to read this we could read something about computers which could help in understanding computers. 
7. I'm not really committed to being a CTR person because this really feels like you take away the fun from life. There are some that say  you should never drink beer well I don't see anything wrong with it as long as you don't become a drunk. There is also things i hear that you should never do things that are bad or things that are immoral but i believe a person can do what they want behind closed doors because it is up to them and you can't judge someone on what they if they find pleasure from it as long as it doesn't hurt people in a physical way. I love metal and almost every type of the genre of music and with being a CTR person seems like there is just things you can't like because it's "bad" I want to be able to do what I love to do. I mean i will be a good person but not a CTR person. This concludes my honest and bold opinions about this class and what it had to offer.

Monday, June 5, 2017

The top 10 rules for success Steph Curry

1. visualize your goals
2.Be the hardest working person
3.stay confident it your way creative
6.stay in the moment
7.better yourself everyday
8.have an upbeat personality the best version of yourself
10.actions speak louder than words

I think these rules work for steph curry i don't think too much of them just because well they all sound the same that each person tells you on how you want to be successful just worded differently there's not much to it in my opinion. I wont be using these are something that you get told about success every single time so of course everyone is already using them so why say oh I'ma start to do this because steph curry does it well doesn't matter because you more than likely have already been doing that.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Top 10 rules for success 
by Cristiano Ronaldo 
1. just play 
2. Be Competitive 
3. Always tale on new challenges 
4. Know your priorities 
5. People will judge you 
6. work Hard
7. believe you are the best 
8. Play for the team
9. Enjoy the moments 
10. Have a sense of humor 

I thought most of these rules are almost a given but i still think that they are pretty good. Most of these kinda do show you how you can successful well better most. I like these rules more than the other ones we've learned about because they are something different than the other rules and more relevant. I think too much about these rules if want to use them go ahead if don't you don't simple. In all honesty i like these more than every single rule that we "learned" about in this class. there's not really much i can say about these rules other than they are well thought out and pretty good to listen too. That's about it for these rules. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

1. The Seed of Self-Esteem (Appreciate the value of yourself)
“From self-love to self-worth

The boundaries of that zone are set by our beliefs about ourselves who we think we are, what we believe we’re worth, what fits the image we hold about ourselves, and mostly, what we believe we deserve. Receive more than you think you’re worthy of, and you start behaving in ways that bring you back to that comfortable level where you know who you are again.  That’s why lottery winners usually end up back where they were in 3 years or less.  That’s why 80% or more of start-up businesses fail within the first 3 years.  It’s like a thermostat if your environment goes above or below that pre-set level we’re happy with, something kicks in to bring it back into line. Change what you believe about yourself, start seeing yourself as having more to offer, and you’ll start allowing more good things into your life.  The higher you build your self esteem, the higher that thermostat gets set, and the more you experience success.  By setting it to new, higher levels, you’re not only overcoming that inbuilt resistance that counteracts what’s happening and brings you back down to where you were before, but turning it to your advantage to help you achieve ever higher levels of success.

2. The Seed of Creativity“Releasing your creative energy"

Most perceive creativity to a talent for the chosen few. Others see it as something external that is mostly out of our control. Creativity is not an exclusive right to a selective group of people. It is true that there are those who are gifted with a greater aptitude for literal creative thinking but thinking and idea generation are skill that one can learn easily. A less focused mind is likely to make connections faster and realize a novel solution to a problem than a focused mind. A good way to start is look at what looks inspiring to you from respected piece for work. After going through a good number of them, making sure you make your own personal references of course, try to replicate them randomly. In life you have learned that it takes a tremendous amount of effort to learn something new. This could be driving a car, riding a bike or playing a piano. But as you apply the skill daily it becomes an effortless act that you do not have to think about. 

3. The Seed of Responsibility
"Whatever we sow, we reap."
Nearly everyone values a responsible person who takes care of business. If one proves that he is responsible when handling small matters, the person may be rewarded with greater responsibilities. Being responsible also means admitting when one has made a mistake and taking full accountability for the consequences that follow. Responsible people aim to obey the law and refrain from causing trouble. It is difficult for others to trust and rely on anyone who is irresponsible. Parents are relieved when children are responsible enough to care for themselves and do the right things. When a person chooses a long-term partner to build a relationship with, he is likely to be a responsible one. Employers love employees that are dependable, and they generally terminate those who are not. Youth are often thought to be less responsible because they are still learning proper time management and self-control. Older people are expected to be more responsible, but this is not the case with immature adults.

4. The Seed of Wisdom
"A large vocabulary--which implies broad, general knowledge--characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations."
Wisdom can be considered to be a useful 'truth' with a long shelf life ('it has stood the test of time'), and it is particularly related to insights that are useful in understanding the relationships that work well within ourselves, and in relationships with each other and with the universe as a whole. (Hence the insights are globally recognizable.) It is important to recognize that all Wisdom is based on well founded information, but certainly it is not the case that all well founded information is Wisdom. There are sometimes when people mistake for what we consider knowledge for wisdom but they are two very different things. Knowledge is not the type that goes and teaches other a new life lesson or such it is more like a person who is able to see paths leading to other ways using the knowledge they have. Wisdom is more like a life lesson considered to help one self and others such like Gandhi who was a very wise person and he was also a pretty knowledgeably person.

5. The seed of Purpose "The gold mine in your goals"

When having purpose in life it gives someone a sense of work. Purpose is what you want that makes you want to get better in life. Not all the people in the world know what their purpose is but they can try and find they might make it or they might not. There are so many of us that wonder if we even have purpose in life well they do just like how the computer was made for what not use it of course your going to use it or like the copy and paste action why was it made in the first place if you no is suppose to use it. But having somebody else tell you your purpose is counter intuitive to a certain degree. Sure you can give them suggestions as to what their purpose can or should be, but until they acknowledge that the purpose that was suggested is their purpose, in other words, they make it their own, they cannot garner the full benefits from it. Everything someone does in their life is just giving them purpose something they can work towards. If there are people out there like me and of course their are people who just cant go a day without have something to work towards or else you kinda feel like you just given up so you find something to do in matter what it is and your determined to finish it. 
6. The seed of communication 
"reach out and touch someone"

Communication in is one of the key factors in achieving your goal or being a leader. Communication is the strongest to well talk to others and get others informed over or maybe just asking for help. In a country the key part in it is communication everyone in the country will know what is going on and whats happening. If no one has communication then how are others suppose to know about anything. Communication is key. If you run a business and you don't have any communication with your workers or even the customers your business  will fail. Just in life if you aren't communicating and you aren't using to your full advantage you are doomed to fail. Some workers can even say things like “what we have here is a failure to communicate” or “I have no idea what the boss wants” or “what are we trying to accomplish here”.  This is all stuff that is an indicator that your business is about to fail. 

Seed 7: Faith: The power of positive believing 
The power of faith and belief is real power. Believing that you can attain your goal is of great importance for its achievement. Without faith, there will be doubts and disbelief, which lead to non-doing and to non-achievement. Faith draws and attracts what you want into your life, whereas doubts, worries and disbelief push them away. If you read about the lives of people who have achieved success, you would discover that faith played a major role in their life. They believed they can achieve their goals and had no doubts about it. They visualized their goal as already achieved, as already a fact, and this is what you also need to do. I'm talking about is not the faith of religion, but faith in yourself, in your ability to achieve goals, faith that thoughts can turn into things, faith in your vision, and faith in the power that created and is creating and recreating the world, within which you exist. Faith in this sense equals belief and certainty that you can achieve your goal. This kind of belief and faith strengthen the motivation to act and do things, and helps you maintain the positive attitude necessary for success. If you have faith in yourself then you have belief that you'll be able to accomplish the things you want and become the good person you wanted to be. You will know the strength that you have and the ability to fight on.   

Seed 8: Adaptability: "Turning Problems into opportunities" 
Adaptability is a really strong skill you can have because and for the most part everyone has the strength to be adaptable. When you can adapt to almost any situation you should be able to have a better understanding of what is to expect or do. You can use this in classes for example there may be teachers who teach in a different way or just have a different style of teaching. If you can adapt to these changes you should be able to follow with the class. There may also be times when you have different occasions that you have to attend and you have adapt to what you wear during the time and even how you act and speak. The biggest plus to being able to be adaptable is that if there is a problem you can have better understanding of the problem or maybe have more control over the problem and not have such a huge problem anymore and you'll be able to understand what to do to and have the better answer to the problem. If others can see that you are able to adapt they will see you have a great skill that you have mastered and more opportunity's will be opened up for you it would be a great skill to have in a job because depending on the situation of your job you can handle it and others will see it as a great thing and maybe you can move up in position.  

Seed 9: Perseverance
"The will to win is everything."
Perseverance is a important skill to have in your life. It isn't the easiest skill to have because of the reason that you have sorta become narrow minded towards your goal and it will help in what you want to achieve. Just about everywhere you go where you do some sort of work you need perseverance because it will help you in what you want to achieve. Sometimes it is a hard skill to obtain because you kinda have to give up the things you want for the thing you want to do. People who do have this skill will want to strive for more in because they are leaving things that will hinder them in the long run of achieving their goal of course not forever but for a while or just a little bit because of the reason that they want to get to their goal and make it. Also when you set a goal it at least has to be a goal you can do there are somethings that are impossible to reach right now because of how it is but maybe later it is more reachable. You should also go for goals that will benefit you and you will see that those are the goals that will make you a better person overall and in the long run.  All the things that go on in life and all the things that will try to hold you back all you need to do is to keep moving forward and keep pushing forward and to not give up it will give you one of the best feelings in the world when you achieve something you thought you couldn't.

Seed 10: Perspective
“Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”
Having perspective is a really strong skill you can have because and for the most part everyone has the strength to be to see things from a different perspective. When you can see something in a different way you should be able to have a better understanding of what is to expect or do. You can use this in classes for example there may be teachers who teach in a different way or just have a different style of teaching. If you can change your perspective of their teaching you should be able to follow with the class. There may also be times when you have different occasions that you have to attend and you have to change what you wear during the time and even how you act and speak. The biggest plus to being able to see a different perspective if there is a problem you can have better understanding of the problem or maybe have more control over the problem and not have such a huge problem anymore and you'll be able to understand what to do to and have the better answer to the problem. If others can see that you are able to adapt they will see you have a great skill that you have mastered and more opportunity's will be opened up for you it would be a great skill to have in a job because depending on the situation of your job you can handle it and others will see it as a great thing and maybe you can move up in position.   

Reflection: I thought that most of these are pretty good and decent but most of them are just things that we already learned so I didn't gain much knowledge from here. I don't think ill use'em really cause most of them are things that we already know from basic knowledge and its just something that there isn't much to talk about. I in all honesty just think that most of these are taken from other ideas just as every other one like for say you have one person talking about how you should feel great then there is going to be someone else saying how you should feel good about your self and feel special so none of these really surprise because it' s just a repeat from other things we learned in this class. All of these i could just really connect it to the other post we wrote so nothing new here. Some of these i even thought that were very vague and maybe didn't know what they were talking about but oh well nothing too big. So in conclusion i think that most of these are pretty good to learn if you haven't already and that i wont talk about them with anyone that I know because even they know about all these from basic common knowledge and other things they heard it from. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Ten Tips

Ten Tips for Being More Truthful
Barbara A. Lewis

Ten Tips
1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
2. Tell someone about your commitment.
3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
6. Don't indulge in little white lies.
7. Watch out for silent lies.
8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
9. Talk to yourself.
10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth.

Reflection: These 10 tips can help you I guess if you aren't already being truthful cause that's kinda common sense. I not gonna use any of these because I'm truthful in my way ill tell it like it is. But even we should all know that there are times when you have you to lie to make it better. These ten tips seem really annoying people should be just tell the truth how they want too. I really wont be using or incorporating into my life planning goals because this is something I already do out of habit its not something I need to learn. Being truthful is also important because what if you lie to someone and they see that you lied what are they going to lie to you back possibly I would.  I also don't think that you should treat yourself when you tell the truth because then it is more of a chore then it is habit. If a person want to abide by these tips go ahead but i just don't think that these tips are for me. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

The internet society

The internet society 
the internet society is a place on the internet that works to help keep the internet being innovative and free for every and keep it moving forward