The Six Attitudes of High Achievers
John R. Noe
1. Make no small plans
When you think about "Make no small plans" what does it mean to you? What it means to me is that you have to dream big and make big plans. You would need to make big plans for the future. Cause as most say go big or go home. I would have to agree with this in saying that yes you need to make big plans or else you have a pretty microcode job, future, career, or life. Making small plans will show just how you are maybe not ready for the real world. From everything I've been told is that the real world is harsh and that you better have a plan after you finish school or else you are going to end up hitting a dead end. I mean there's also a benefit from dreaming big this will make you want to do better. If you try your best you will eventually get to where you want to get. If you get to where you want to get you know you will have made it all the way. Just look at actors, Artists, and other famous people they wanted to get big by dreaming big and they did

2. They do what they fear
What does this mean to you? What does means to me it means that would try to go out of your comfort zone. Don't take the "They do what they fear" literally cause it would be kinda dumb. I just take it as doing what you wouldn't normally do from like what you want to achieve. This is kinda of important because sometimes you do need to step out your comfort zone to do something you've never done. Maybe one thing maybe that you don't normally give presentations and to achieve something higher you have to do one. I would say that yes this is going to help you achieve greater things. Thought some people may be able to do more than others you should be able to do it to. If someone can give a presentation to an entire class then you should be able to also give. The only reason i see that people say they cant do one its because they think to much about it.
Are willing to prepare
High achievers are willing to prepare what does this mean to you. what does would mean to me is prepare for what is to come in the future. This would just have to depend on what you are preparing for. To me this would just have to depend if you are willing to prepare for the future not in a small way but in a big way. It would be just like taking the first attitude of high achievers to make no small plans. This will help you in the long run so you wont mess up in the future. Now what do i mean by this? By this i mean that if you learn from your mistakes you should be able to not do that again in the future. I have applied this to myself because i think that this is very important for the future. You must also be willing to do this because if you are not then you wont be plan in the first place. This is one of the best things could do in your life maybe. I know that at the same time if your are thinking to much about the future its bad for you. You just have to be willing to prepare for future stuff such as work, presentations, and actions. You should also know that this is something you have to do a lot in school. This should also be something that isn't to hard for one to do so that just about anyone can do it.

4. Are Willing To risk failure
To what extant do you think that failure should go as an achiever? I think that this should help people very much. Some of the things i can get from this is that you have to at least learn if you make a mistake. Also Keep in mind Don't ever make this choice as a sure part of your plan. This should mean to you that you should learn from your mistakes. If make a mistake or failure in what ever your doing and you should at least learn from it and don't make the mistake again. One of the things that i learned from this is that if you don't learn from what you did wrong then your are doing something wrong. This attitude should not go towards everything of course but most things its okay to fail but to learn something or why you failed. Some things i believe are things you should use this attitude for are things such as test, using dangerous objects, etc.. from all this you should be able to get a general idea of what i'm trying to say here. Just remember the biggest thing thing from this is to at least from your failure and keep trying.

5. Are Teachable
What does being teachable mean to you? How do you think being teachable helps you? For me I have to say that being teachable mean to be open minded. Being teachable means you take the opportunity to learn a new skill or hear others ideas. If hearing other peoples ideas then that should help you see others view on things. This is very helpful because then you arent just getting one perspective on a single idea. And the part where you are able to be teachable helps to. If you can learn a new skill then it should help you out in the long run. This will also help with people the way that approach things. "High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big decisions quickly and move into action immediately. Follow these principles and you can make your dreams come true". - Robert H. Schuller
This quote is very much true. This is how many achievers are and this is how they should be. With this quote you should take in consideration that maybe you should take the opportunity that you get towards learning new things.
6. Have Heart
How does having a heart help you? Though I will say this sort of varies through which situation your in. In some cases having a heart will hurt you and in others it wont. Some situations I can think of is when your running a business which if you have a heart then this will hurt you in many ways. One situation i can think of where having a heart helps is i guess if your in a hospital and you either work or help there. Also the saying goes a little kindness can go a long way. I guess that for others this is one of the best things you can have in your life. There are also others who think that this is the worst thing you can have in your life. How us humans are we can either destroy someones heart or make it so you choose. Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. "Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success." - Swami Sivananda. Its more or less pretty accurate what the quote says and yes you should put all your heart into even your smallest acts. In conclusion try to do your best and put your heart into whatever you think you need to put it in to.

Final Reflection:
Finally in my reflection i can list some ways that i can apply these to my life and well also you should also think on how you can apply some to your life. I think I would only apply 2 of them and those would have to be 1 and 3. The reason I wont really apply the rest just because i don't really think that i can apply. I guess for some people they would be able to apply more based on how they act and such. Maybe for some these steps are the best thing they can do for others it can be the worst just depends on the person. How can you apply some of these to your daily life or maybe thats too much since most of theses you wont be applying in your daily life how about in your most important situation. This could be for situations such as a presentation or a speech your about to give or anything like that. This could all help you prepare for what your going to do or for what you gotta do. In any sense this should have helped you who reads this get a pretty good understanding of the six attitudes of high achievers and how others see it.