The 10 keys to personal power
Brian Tracy
Key 1: Clarity
"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you’re going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."
In this key you learn to have clarity in your life but what does that mean to have clarity in your life. Well to put it in simple terms it mean to have a clear path and know where you are going with your life. Mainly it means to have a set goal or at least think about what you want to do and don't just into life blindly. This could help you because it shows that you are preparing for your life ahead and you aren't stuck when others ask what you want to do in your life. So know where you are going know what you want to do with your life and know how your going to do it. I've been told this many times and i do believe it pays off but i don't think that schools mainly are teaching it right if you just have to think of something on the spot. Even myself i don't like it how my school does this it doesn't make it enjoyable it makes it like a chore they should be maybe teaching it in a way that makes things enjoyable to think about where you want to go or what you want to study. They should also teach the difference between a career and a job and show some of the many times of careers you can pursue.

Key 2: Competence
"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."
This should be something that most people should try to if they want to do something or get somewhere it should be something that everyone is doing. This just means to be a hard worker and not to give up in what your doing. This could be the turning point in something such as maybe the grade you want if you want a teacher to bump you up to a C, B, or A and your just on the verge of the going up but you just don't have enough points to go up and the teacher sees this and bumps up because they see you that your working hard toward the grade. It could also apply towards things such as a job raise which like a said could be a turning point. This should also make you want to work towards that which you want and just maybe even help you to know your strengthens that you never knew you had. You should always just strive to better yourself or find those skills of yours that can help you in school your job. or career. Many times people say they want to get something but they are never able to achieve it because of the reason that they don't put in enough effort or work into what they are doing to get that specific thing that they want.

Key 3: Concentration
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself “Is this the best use of my time?” before you start anything."
In concentration the best thing you can do with it is to give sometime in concentration and think about anything its like taking some time to relax. This should also be important time in your life if you never take the time to relax or anything concentrate on the more important things. There's also the problem where people say that they cant concentrate because of something well they are ways to do it maybe things such as listening to music or having a something in your hand to play around with or anything really whatever helps you concentrate. There are many things to help someone concentrate on whatever they are doing and sometimes in schools what helps you concentrate is seen as in not for school or such maybe its just something small like listening to music that helps you. But if you are not doing the work and you just say this helps me concentrate when you are listening to music then yea you should not have it which should be taken into account.
Key 4: Common Sense
- Train your mind
- think things through
- listen to your intuition
- learn from setbacks
In common sense everything should be easy for you at least in decision making which should make your life a little easier. There is common sense to almost everything and sometimes you just don't see it the first time around so you would need maybe the next to you see it learn from the past or from others mistakes. This would give you sort of an upper hand in your time. You could always talk with family members or maybe other peers to learn what they have done. You family members could help you in the that they have gone through a lot already in their life so they can tell what they did wrong so that maybe you wont do it again. With your peers you could learn such like an extra idea or maybe they could tell you why they would choose differently, its like having another brain to help you in the decisions you make. Of course there's that thing that everyone of you family members tell you maybe and its to think things through maybe not in that way but differently and this is something that everyone should learn to always think things through because it'll help. You should always think something through but not too much because you could end loosing your opportunity right then and there. Just remember to have common sense so you wont get into any trouble.

Key 5: Creativity
"Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions." Creativity is maybe one of the most important things people need cause humans will always think of new and more creative ways to do something. Creativity also like imagination should be used to its full potential because your imagination is a part of you and when someone loses imagination it is as if a part of you was lost the kid part of you. But is it true that every being is a genius I don't think so because there are so many things that people say that just plain don't make sense. As a baby you start off without not knowing exactly what goes on and for what reason something happens so of course you start to learn and on being a genius well like the quote I heard "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits" but yet at the same time you cant really someone is a genius but if they are stupid you can.

Key 6: Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."
This topic or key to personal power is important because of the reason this is something that will determine your help around you. For say you know a lot of people and they know you well you could easily be able to get jobs start a career if they want to help you. If you don't know many people but lets just that only those you know are people such as your family or just friends this wouldn't be as helpful because for just about anything now a days like a college or a job would require you to have a maybe 3 people that could tell them that what you are is a hard worker or helpful worker maybe that you could take the challenge but those people need to be people not in your family and can not be a friend either. This is all that goes around to help you there are also those times when the people you know could help you reach something higher maybe a higher position in a job or maybe even the job you wanted or career. It would be just like a politician would be when there are people who help him/her fund their camping and if they win what could end up happening is that could appoint those who helped him in some higher positions in government which could also be done for about any other job/career.

Key 7: Consistency
"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."
"Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person that people can depend upon. That if you say you’ll do something you do it.."
In being consistent all really are doing is trying to you so that others don't see you differently. Though there are people who are not consist and have act very different with other people but what where to happen when those both of them are in the same place people will see them differently and maybe see some other side to them than others maybe its good maybe its bad. This also the kind of thing you need with other people even though sometimes you might lose that consistency and your routine might be messed for that time you try your hardest and sometimes its even better to something different which could maybe make your routine much better than it already is. Having consistency in your life should just be trying to improve yourself for you not for others if your happy the way you are that't good but keep trying to improve yourself.

Key 8: Commitment
"No success is possible without
commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis
of achieving all success."
"Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed."
The key of commitment is very important because this something many many people are looking for that if you can do some sort of job you would need to commit. When ever you commit it shows that you can do it and that acts as a sort of trust towards you so that the person knows you can do it and can depend on you. When you are not committed it is showing that person that you cant do the job or whatever it is that you are doing it could be something as simple as maybe doing homework and if you do commit to doing it then you would not be as known as how you want maybe it is maybe isn't. If you get a job you need to know that you have to commit to that job because it could also determine weather you get fired or maybe if you want a raise you wont get it because of your work efforts. It could also be the very factor that maybe gives you a higher position or maybe your for that extra points on your grade and you could have a B instead of C.
Key 9: Courage
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life"
This is one of the most helpful key ive seen so far because of the fact that this can either make you or break you. If you want to do something to change yourself to or someone else or anything that will make make a change for the better you need to have courage to be a able to do it. People without courage are the ones that usually quite because they were to scared to do something or maybe scared of something that might change if they do it. I see this many times with few of my friends where the best thing would be to do what they wanted or needed to do but they wont because they are scared of what others might think of them or that they just gave up and don't even think about trying anymore even before they try it at all. This could also be the one of the things that could make you a better person over maybe you'll become more trustworthy maybe you be see as someone they look up to. One person I look up to is John D. Rockefeller because of his way to stand up to even the biggest of people at his time and do a task that was nearly impassible and he still does in the end no matter how big or small the task was he was a man with alot of courage.

Key 10 Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again"
Confidence why do people need confidence. If you want to really do something things like maybe start a career you would have to have confidence cause if you don't have you wont do most things that you want too. I you want to give presentation or a pitch to someone just have the confidence to do it and sound confident. Many people at gambling they really all do sound confident which is why people are intimidated by them when they first play. Same with anyone who has had real success they always have one thing in common that they confident which give them that edge where people look at them and trust them. Someone like Rockefeller did something he didnt think he could complete but instead he had the confidence to know he could do it when he promised Vanderbilt his oil. All you need to do is have that confidence and you can do alot of great things but of course you have to be able to do it so others can trust you.